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Samba Server Config Tool (SSCT) 2.5

What it is:
I wrote this application for all those people who like to share files with others in their Windows-network, but do not want to pay for a commercial application. I had already published Samba X, but for many this was really hard to setup. With this application that last point is no longer valid either, because this application simplifies this process. In combination with the Mac OS X 10.1 ability to mount Shares, these people now have all they will need.

This application is currently not compatible with Samba on OS X Server. I hope to address this issue with the next release, but I lack a machine to test and develop this on.

It is a Objective C/Cocoa application written in my spare time. It is based on the code of the Samba GUI Configuration Tool, a Java application written by Jason Eaton.
You can contact me at hartman@mac.com.

Download SSCT 2.5:
SSCT is now part of the Samba Sharing Package. It is no longer available as an individual product.
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